Foundation Inspections in Jackson, MS

Are you concerned about a foundation crack or the general integrity of your slab foundation? Halfcare Engineering is just a call away. We specialize in providing engineering services for foundation repair analysis and foundation inspections for commercial and residential properties in all of Central Mississippi.


Foundation Engineer in Jackson, MS

You can trust our foundation inspection concept as we work to written standards used by inspectors nationwide. We have experience with insurance claims, builder warranty claims, new construction, and foundation repair permits.

Our foundation inspections provide an unbiased, third-party assessment of your foundation, addressing all concerns you might have about your structure's foundation.

It's no secret that the condition of your property's foundation impacts everything, from financial decisions to safety and usability. Unexamined foundation issues can cost you more money in the long run to resolve. Here's where our foundation engineers come in.

As experts in providing thorough and professional analysis with actionable recommendations, our civil engineers can help with:

• Designing a foundation repair or restoration
• Providing certification and forensic reports
• Investigating cracks in a foundation or exterior and interior walls
• Designing new foundations

We have extensive experience working with commercial and residential buildings, providing you with effective remedies for repairs or replacements (if the damage is severe).

House Inspector in Jackson, MS

A Trusted and Certified Foundation Inspector

Certified Home Inspector in Jackson, MS

Foundation Inspection Cost

Foundation inspection costs vary depending on the size of your structure, ease of access to the foundation, and local market costs. Typically, the cost of foundation inspection doesn't include any repairs, which can be expensive.

The only way to identify your foundation inspection cost is to get a quote from a professional foundation inspection company such as Halfcare Engineering. We'll interview you to determine the timeline of the observed damage and the inspection criteria before providing you with a detailed quote.

Contact us today for your foundation inspection needs.

We work for the homeowner as a third party Engineering Consultant. We will evaluate your situation(s) and if you truly need repairs, we will assist you in getting whatever repairs that are appropriate done to your home, all the while ensuring that you get your money's worth; you will not get over piered. We will keep both your house and your wallet from being OVER JACKED.

It is truly disheartening and offensive to see how some foundation contractors prey on homeowners. If you think you might have foundation problems, do not fall for an old baseball pitcher ad or other such HYPE from lesser known foundation contractors. Home owners are all too frequently told they need a "a few pilings, piers, jacking pads, etc. to correct a foundation problem". This is sometimes true; however, in far too many instances, all the repairs accomplish is a nice commission and or bonus for the contractor / salesman. Do not fall for a smooth sales pitch and / or a slick power point presentation; call Halfacre Engineering; we will save you money and protect your investment by giving your peace of mind and or saving you a few hundred dollars to hundreds of thousands of dollars!

Need help? Contact us today!

If you need a foundation inspection, we're here to help. Contact us today to schedule a consultation!

We're Here to Help

Mississippi does not require a license for a foundation contractor; YES that is what I said… there is no licensing requirement, testing of knowledge training, or apprenticeship to do foundation repairs in our state. We're fully qualified structural engineers here to provide you with all of your foundation inspection, home inspection and building inspection needs.

Call us FIRST! We specialize in helping homeowner's get structural repairs done at a fair price. We are not on commission… we are not in any contractors pocket!